
Showing posts from May, 2023

50% of major artefacts installed at Grand Egyptian Museum: GEM supervisor

 According to Major General Atef Moftah, the project and complex supervisor for the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM), specialists have finished installing half of all significant antiquities inside the GEM's main exhibition halls. Moftah made his declaration during a videoconference on Saturday with Ahmed Issa, minister of tourism and antiquities, and other ministry representatives to discuss the status of construction and preparations for the GEM's grand opening. At the meeting, preparations for placing small and medium-sized items into exhibition spaces were also discussed, and progress on finishing the King Khufu Solar Boat Museum's construction was reported. Egypt is a country with a vibrant past and present. It is the location of some of the most well-known ancient structures in the entire world, with our Egypt trips you can visit many places including the Valley of the Kings, the Sphinx, and the Pyramids of Giza.  Egypt is a well-liked vacation spot for beachgoers due to

Египетский аэропорт Сфинкс принимает первый рейс авиакомпании Jazeera Airways

Первый рейс авиакомпании Jazeera Airways из Кувейта прибыл во вторник в египетский международный аэропорт Сфинкс, говорится в заявлении Министерства гражданской авиации. На борту самолета Airbus 320, управляемого Jazeera Airways, находилось 167 человек. Согласно заявлению, самолет был облит водой в соответствии с известным обычаем, который предписывает обливать водой первые рейсы авиакомпаний по прибытии в пункт назначения.  Отставка старшего пилота или авиадиспетчера, первый или последний рейс авиакомпании в аэропорт, первый или последний полет определенного типа самолета или знак уважения к останкам павших солдат - все это случаи, когда соблюдается этот обычай, известный как "водный салют".  Согласно релизу, Jazeera Airways будет выполнять четыре еженедельных рейса между международными аэропортами Сфинкс и Кувейт.  С момента возобновления работы аэропорта Сфинкс в ноябре, а также первых рейсов многочисленных авиакомпаний со всего мира, в нем наблюдается резкий рост числа кл

O Aeroporto Sphinx do Egito recebe o primeiro voo da Jazeera Airways

O primeiro voo da Jazeera Airways proveniente do Kuwait chegou ao Aeroporto Internacional Sphinx, no Egito, na terça-feira, de acordo com um comunicado do Ministério da Aviação Civil. 167 pessoas estavam a bordo do Airbus 320 operado pela Jazeera Airways. De acordo com o comunicado, o jato foi mergulhado em água de acordo com um costume bem conhecido que determina que os primeiros voos das companhias aéreas sejam mergulhados em água ao chegarem ao seu destino.  A aposentadoria de um piloto sênior ou de um controlador de tráfego aéreo, o primeiro ou último voo de uma companhia aérea em um aeroporto, o primeiro ou último voo de um tipo específico de aeronave ou como sinal de respeito aos restos mortais de soldados mortos são ocasiões em que esse costume, conhecido como "saudação com água", é observado.  De acordo com o comunicado, a Jazeera Airways realizará quatro voos semanais entre os aeroportos internacionais de Sphinx e Kuwait.  O Aeroporto Sphinx tem registrado um aumento

Der ägyptische Flughafen Sphinx empfängt den ersten Flug von Jazeera Airways

Der erste Flug von Jazeera Airways aus Kuwait ist am Dienstag auf dem ägyptischen Flughafen Sphinx International angekommen, wie das Ministerium für Zivilluftfahrt mitteilte. An Bord des von Jazeera Airways betriebenen Airbus 320 befanden sich 167 Personen. Der Erklärung zufolge wurde das Flugzeug mit Wasser übergossen, um einem bekannten Brauch zu entsprechen, der vorsieht, dass die ersten Flüge von Fluggesellschaften bei ihrer Ankunft am Zielort mit Wasser übergossen werden.  Die Verabschiedung eines ranghohen Piloten oder Fluglotsen in den Ruhestand, der erste oder letzte Flug einer Fluggesellschaft zu einem Flughafen, der erste oder letzte Flug eines bestimmten Flugzeugtyps oder als Zeichen des Respekts für die sterblichen Überreste gefallener Soldaten sind alles Anlässe, bei denen dieser Brauch, der als "Wassergruß" bekannt ist, eingehalten wird.  Laut der Mitteilung wird Jazeera Airways vier wöchentliche Flüge zwischen den Flughäfen Sphinx und Kuwait International durch

L'aéroport égyptien Sphinx accueille le premier vol de Jazeera Airways

  Le premier vol de Jazeera Airways en provenance du Koweït est arrivé mardi à l'aéroport international du Sphinx en Égypte, selon un communiqué du ministère de l'aviation civile. 167 personnes se trouvaient à bord de l'Airbus 320 exploité par Jazeera Airways. Selon le communiqué, le jet a été aspergé d'eau conformément à une coutume bien connue qui veut que les premiers vols des compagnies aériennes soient aspergés d'eau à leur arrivée à leur destination.  Le départ à la retraite d'un pilote ou d'un contrôleur aérien expérimenté, le premier ou le dernier vol d'une compagnie aérienne dans un aéroport, le premier ou le dernier vol d'un type particulier d'aéronef, ou en signe de respect pour les dépouilles de soldats tombés au combat sont autant d'occasions où cette coutume, connue sous le nom de "salut à l'eau", est observée.  Selon le communiqué, Jazeera Airways assurera quatre vols hebdomadaires entre les aéroports internationa

L'aeroporto egiziano Sphinx riceve il primo volo di Jazeera Airways

  Il primo volo di Jazeera Airways dal Kuwait è arrivato all'aeroporto internazionale Sphinx in Egitto martedì, secondo un comunicato del Ministero dell'Aviazione Civile. 167 persone erano a bordo dell'Airbus 320 operato da Jazeera Airways. Secondo il comunicato, il jet è stato innaffiato d'acqua secondo una nota usanza che prevede che i primi voli delle compagnie aeree vengano innaffiati d'acqua al loro arrivo a destinazione.  Il pensionamento di un pilota anziano o di un controllore del traffico aereo, il primo o l'ultimo volo di una compagnia aerea in un aeroporto, il primo o l'ultimo volo di un particolare tipo di aeromobile o in segno di rispetto per le spoglie dei soldati caduti sono tutte occasioni in cui questa usanza, nota come "Water Salute", viene osservata.  Secondo il comunicato, Jazeera Airways effettuerà quattro voli settimanali tra gli aeroporti internazionali di Sphinx e del Kuwait.  L'aeroporto di Sphinx ha registrato un'i

El aeropuerto egipcio de Sphinx recibe el primer vuelo de Jazeera Airways

El primer vuelo de Jazeera Airways procedente de Kuwait llegó el martes al aeropuerto internacional Sphinx de Egipto, según un comunicado del Ministerio de Aviación Civil. 167 personas viajaban a bordo del Airbus 320 operado por Jazeera Airways. Según el comunicado, el avión fue rociado con agua de acuerdo con una conocida costumbre que ordena que los primeros vuelos de las aerolíneas sean rociados con agua a su llegada a su destino.  La jubilación de un piloto experimentado o de un controlador aéreo, el primer o último vuelo de una aerolínea a un aeropuerto, el primer o último vuelo de un tipo particular de avión, o como señal de respeto a los restos de los soldados caídos son ocasiones en las que se observa esta costumbre, conocida como el "Saludo de agua".  Según el comunicado, Jazeera Airways ofrecerá cuatro vuelos semanales entre los aeropuertos internacionales de Sphinx y Kuwait.  El aeropuerto de Sphinx ha experimentado un aumento de clientes desde su reapertura en nov

Egypt’s Sphinx Airport receives the first flight of Jazeera Airways

  The first Jazeera Airways flight from Kuwait arrived at Egypt's Sphinx International Airport on Tuesday, according to a statement from the Ministry of Civil Aviation. 167 people were on board the Airbus 320 operated by Jazeera Airways. According to the statement, the jet was doused in water in accordance with a well-known custom that commands that first flights from airlines be doused with water upon their arrival at their target destination.  A senior pilot or air traffic controller retiring, the first or last flight of an airline into an airport, the first or last flight of a particular type of aircraft, or as a sign of respect for the remains of fallen soldiers are all occasions when this custom, known as the "Water Salute," is observed.  According to the release, Jazeera Airways will run four weekly flights between Sphinx and Kuwait International Airports.  Sphinx Airport has seen a surge in customers since it reopened in November, as well as the operation of maiden

Grand Egyptian Museum opening to be as impressive as Royal Mummies Parade: El-Anani

 The Grand Egyptian Museum's (GEM) opening ceremony will be a wonderful surprise for everyone and equally as magnificent as the recent Royal Mummies Parade, you must see with our Cairo day tours according to Egypt's Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Khaled El-Anani. El-Anani stated that rather than focusing solely on Egypt, the date of the inauguration ceremony would be determined in accordance with the global health situation and the best time for everyone. The GEM, the largest museum in the world devoted to one civilization, has been constructed in Giza on a total area of 117 feddan, and its opening is highly anticipated. Over 5,000 artifacts from Pharaoh Tutankhamun's tomb will be presented collectively for the first time in the museum's can visit it through our Egypt Day tours The museum also houses the first hanging obelisk in history and a grand staircase lined with enormous ancient Egyptian treasures. According to El-Anani, Egypt will also showcase

Der ägyptische Minister für Tourismus und Altertümer trifft sich zu einem Treffen, um die Geschäftsentwicklung des GEM zu verfolgen

Dr. Khaled El Enany, Minister für Tourismus und Altertümer, traf sich mit Generalmajor Atef Moftah, dem Projektleiter für das Große Ägyptische Museum und seine Umgebung, Dr. Mustafa Waziry, Generalsekretär des Obersten Rates für Altertümer, Dr. Al Tayeb Abbas, stellvertretender Minister für archäologische Angelegenheiten des Museums, und dem Rechtsberater des Museums, um den Stand der Arbeiten am Großen Ägyptischen Museum zu besprechen. Während des Treffens wurde der Prozess der Installation der Artefakte aus den Schätzen von König Tutanchamun in ihren Ausstellungsvitrinen in den dafür vorgesehenen Sälen weiterverfolgt, und es wurden auch die neuesten Entwicklungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Transfer der schweren Artefakte und ihrer Installation im Museum unter Beteiligung des Obersten Rates für Altertümer diskutiert.    Ein Überblick über die Organisationsstruktur des Museums und die jüngsten Änderungen der für den Museumsbetrieb geltenden Vorschriften wurden ebenfalls erörtert.    Das G

Il Grand Egyptian Museum si impegna a rispettare i più alti standard mondiali per i paesaggi culturali senza barriere.

Khaled El Enany, Ministro del Turismo e delle Antichità, ha incontrato il Maggiore Generale Atef Moftah, responsabile del progetto del Grande Museo Egizio e dell'area circostante, il Dr. Mustafa Waziry, Segretario Generale del Consiglio Supremo delle Antichità, il Dr. Al Tayeb Abbas, assistente del Ministro per gli Affari Archeologici del Museo, e il consulente legale del Museo per discutere lo stato dei lavori del Grande Museo Egizio. Durante l'incontro è stato seguito il processo di installazione dei manufatti del tesoro del re Tutankhamon nelle vetrine espositive all'interno delle sale a loro destinate e sono stati discussi gli ultimi sviluppi relativi al trasferimento dei manufatti pesanti e alla loro installazione nel museo con il coinvolgimento del Consiglio Supremo delle Antichità.    Sono stati inoltre esaminati la struttura organizzativa del museo e le più recenti modifiche alle norme che ne regolano le operazioni.    Il Grande Museo Egizio esporrà a breve il drago

Le ministre égyptien du tourisme et des antiquités organise une réunion pour suivre l'évolution des activités de GEM

Khaled El Enany, ministre du tourisme et des antiquités, a rencontré le général de division Atef Moftah, directeur du projet du Grand Musée égyptien et de la zone environnante, Mustafa Waziry, secrétaire général du Conseil suprême des antiquités, Al Tayeb Abbas, ministre adjoint chargé des affaires archéologiques au musée, et le conseiller juridique du musée pour discuter de l'état d'avancement des travaux du Grand Musée égyptien. Le processus d'installation des objets provenant des trésors du roi Toutânkhamon dans leurs vitrines d'exposition à l'intérieur des salles prévues à cet effet a été suivi au cours de la réunion, et les derniers développements liés au transfert d'objets lourds et à leur installation dans le musée avec la participation du Conseil suprême des antiquités ont également été discutés.    Un examen de la structure organisationnelle du musée et les changements les plus récents des règles régissant son fonctionnement ont également été abordés.  

El Ministro de Turismo y Antigüedades de Egipto celebra una reunión de seguimiento de la evolución de la actividad de GEM

El Dr. Khaled El Enany, Ministro de Turismo y Antigüedades, se reunió con el General de División Atef Moftah, director del proyecto del Gran Museo Egipcio y sus alrededores, el Dr. Mustafa Waziry, Secretario General del Consejo Supremo de Antigüedades, el Dr. Al Tayeb Abbas, Viceministro de Asuntos Arqueológicos del museo, y el asesor jurídico del museo para tratar el estado de las obras del Gran Museo Egipcio. Durante la reunión se hizo un seguimiento del proceso de instalación de los artefactos de los tesoros del rey Tutankamón en sus vitrinas de exposición dentro de las salas designadas para ellos, y también se discutieron los últimos acontecimientos relacionados con el traslado de artefactos pesados y su instalación en el museo con la participación del Consejo Supremo de Antigüedades.    También se revisó la estructura organizativa del museo y los cambios más recientes en las normas que rigen su funcionamiento.    El Gran Museo Egipcio expondrá en breve la dragger de Tutankamón com

Egypt’s Minister of Tourism& Antiquities holds a meeting to follow up on GEM’s business developments

Dr. Khaled El Enany, Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, met with Major General Atef Moftah, project manager for the Grand Egyptian Museum project and the surrounding area, Dr. Mustafa Waziry, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Dr. Al Tayeb Abbas, assistant minister for archaeological affairs at the museum, and the museum's legal advisor to discuss the status of the Grand Egyptian Museum's work. The process of installing the artifacts from King Tutankhamun's treasures in their exhibition vitrines inside the halls designated for them was followed up during the meeting, and the latest developments related to the transfer of heavy artifacts and their installation in the museum with the involvement of the Supreme Council of Antiquities were also discussed.    A review of the museum's organizational structure and the most recent changes to the rules governing its operations were also covered.    The Grand Egyptian Museum will shortly put Tutankhamun

explore best egypt's oases: a hidden gem

  The busy city of Cairo and the huge Sahara Desert are just two examples of the contrasts seen in Egypt. significant oases that offer shelter for life are located in the middle of this desert. Along with human settlements, these oases are home to a variety of plants and animals you can try that with our Egypt Christmas and New Year Tours . Egypt's oases have been inhabited for a very long time. The Neolithic era is when the oasis first showed signs of human occupation. The oases remained to be significant trading hubs during the Islamic era as they had been during the Roman and Byzantine eras. Many different ethnic groups live in the oases today, including Egyptians, Bedouins, and Nubians. The oases are also well-liked tourist locations and provide a look into Egypt's traditional way of life. You can go on one of our Egypt desert safari tours to visit them. Here is a brief description of each of Egypt's main oases: The Bahariya Oasis , which is 500 km west of Cairo, is th